Letters of Appreciation

"I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine making request for you all with joy, for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now.....— Philippians 1:3-5


Paul wrote a letter to the Philippians church as a' thank-you' note for their help during his time of need. It's always in order to express our appreciation and gratefulness to others.  Letting others know they are appreciated is one of the greatest ways to encourage one another.

Whether children or adults, all should be made to feel appreciated.  Expressing our appreciation and gratefulness to others can motivate them to continue on the right path in life.  It seems that church work and Christian ministry are areas that lack expressions of appreciation.  Many are often taken for granted and go unnoticed for their faithful service to the people of God.  Yes, we are servants of Christ first, but we must not forget that we are human and we all have a basic need to feel appreciated.  Write Letters of Appreciation to express gratefulness and appreciation to those individuals who deserve words of gratitude. Perhaps, you know someone whom you would like to say, "I appreciate you!"


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